D&D 3.5 Monster generation, advancement and customization Quickened D&D 3.5 Monster generation, advancement and customization D&D 3.5 Random Encounter generation that includes advanced creatures D&D 3.5 Random Encounter Chart generator logo D&D 3.5 Treasure Generator logo
The Monster Advancer toolset continues to grow. You now can choose between the robust Core Monster Advancer and the Quickened Advancer for monster and npc creation and customization. If random encounter generators are more your speed you get the speed and power of the Monster Advancer system to do that as well. With the encounter generator you don't end up with just stale monsters. Instead the system upgrades monsters, adds templates, classes and more all automatically.
The traditional monster generator will allow you to advance creatures your players know well into creatures with twists they never saw coming. Want a Fiendish Colossal Kraken? Instead of up to an hour of number crunching, you could have one in a few seconds. Speed up your Dungeons and Dragons planning session now. This application allows you adjust creatures' stats, set feat progressions, add templates, magical items and most importantly, advance its hit dice or add class levels to make it more powerful.
The quickened version is straight forward and lightning fast. Just select a creature, advance its hit dice or add class levels and print.
Create Random Encounters that include advanced creatures and various templates. Random Encounter Generator is based on Challenge Rating (CR). There are now an amazing number of possible creatures for any given CR.
Create Random Encounter Charts. Not just one creature but a whole table that can be customized by Encounter level, environment, creature types and more.
Generate treasure by total value or number of items. (Select item categories, min and max values and more)
News and Features about D&D 3.5 Monster advancement, generation and customization
**News & Features**(updated 7/04/2012)
  • In my effort to help divide my means of communication from the hosting of the site itself, I now have a blog. I have published my first piece talking about the history of the Monster Advancer tools from inception up to the present.
**News & Features**(updated 7/02/2012)
  • I had hoped that my next update would be announcing one of the great new features/updates I have been slowly but surely working on over the past 2 years, but reality often has a way of throwing aside such plans. For now, all I can do is apologize for the set-backs, assure our amazing user base that the site it is alive and well, and pledge that I will be making some changes to way in which I manage and communicate this whole process to make it more transparent.
  • I want to sincerely and deeply thank all of Monster Advancer's awesome supporters, users and fans as I genuinely never expected the response that this site has garnered. I am humbled by your support and while I have always tried to be cautious about over-promising and under-delivering...I will boldly make one clear statement about the future of Monster Advancer -- You ain't seen nothing yet.
**News & Features**(updated 7/01/2012)
  • Late night on 6/28 our hosting service went down. Not just our website mind you...the whole hosting service. No site to contact, no online technical support, no returned phone calls, no access to any site resources. The world went black and even the Overlord was not prepared. Since then we have acquired a new host and moved the monster advancer site over to the new accommodations, but the outage was not simple to correct. The disaster plans in place centered around data recovery, not service replacement and getting everything in place for a move of this magnitude took several days. All I can say to our users is that I am sorry and I have already taken steps to expand the sorts of disasters we can recover from and hopefully taken steps to minimize any down-time caused by such a disaster.
**News & Features**(updated 9/25/2010)
  • Added Pathfinder Mode to the Quickened Advancer.
  • The Pathfinder mode currently generates a pathfinder style stat sheet along with properly generated class skill bonuses, feat count, and CMD and CMB values.
  • The list of creatures includes 3.5 creatures which are auto-converted to Pathfinder.
  • Added links to both 3.5 and Pathfinder versions of all creature stat blocks.
  • Currently the only fully Pathfinder creature is the Froghemoth. Everything else can be auto-converted and more fully converted creatures will be coming soon.
**News & Features**(updated 9/20/2010)
  • Added Treasure Generator
  • TheTreasure Generator can generate loot based on a total specified value with optional min and max values for single items.
  • The Treasure Generator can generate loot based on a specified number of items within a given value range for the items.
**News & Features**(updated 7/26/2010)
  • Fixed a few details of the Scorpionfolk.
  • Added a Fallen Angel, Solar for a bit of fun.
  • Fixed damage from weapons with enhancement bonuses.
**News & Features**(updated 7/24/2010)
  • Added Angels (Solar, Planetar, Deva) as well as Scorpionfolk.
**News & Features**(updated 7/6/2010)
  • Added a 3d8 version of the encounter chart.
  • Fixed a bug where the main generator was always throwing an error.
**News & Features**(updated 7/1/2010)
  • Fixed a bug where not all randomly generated creatures were getting skills and feats assigned properly.
  • Added to generated URL for monsters. The URL now includes base stats and feats.
**News & Features**(updated 6/20/2010)
  • Fix bug where added class levels were getting doubled in the core and quickened advancer.
**News & Features**(updated 6/16/2010)
  • Updated Random Encounter system to use the new and improved decision trees that take into account similar monsters. You still have the ability to use the old "very random" method of generation if you so choose.
  • Updated the new Random Encounter system to properly apply the elite stat array when a creature has class levels and reassigns the stats based on the primary character class. This will prevent Kobold sorcerers with an 8 Cha.
  • Updated the new Random Encounter system to allow control over which templates will be applied to random monsters.
**News & Features**(updated 6/11/2010)
  • Random Encounter Chart Generator! You heard correctly. Now you customize and generate your own charts with links to every generated creature already setup and ready to view.
  • Adjusted the UI to accommodate the need for more space for the expanding tool set.
**News & Features**(updated 6/3/2010)
  • Added the links to the creature displays for all 3 applications. These will currently not show up in print view. They will most likely be adjusted to appear less prominently once the feature gets a bit more exposure.
  • Generated links for creatures will currently translate over hd, size, templates and classes. The rest of the adjustable items will be part of this generate link soon. (Feats work now via URL they just don't get added onto generated URL right now.
  • Fixed a bug where the Stone Giant's CR was 0. It is now 8 as expected.
  • Added missing dragon breath weapon special abilities for all chromatic dragons a couple metallic dragons.
**News & Features**(updated 5/17/2010)
  • Added Links to new Monster Advancer Forum
  • Added new feature that allows creation of creatures from links. This allows users to share creatures via urls. Currently supports alteration in Hit Dice, Stats, Size, classes, templates and feats
  • Try out new link feature and peek at the URL to see how to use it. Here is my Fiendish Gargantuan Behir with 18 hit dice plus 2 Barbarian Levels and the Power Attack and Track feats
  • If you want more information about the linkable creature URLs just head over to the forums.
  • Link-able Creature URLs will be clearly marked. Every creature you create from the Monster Advancer applications will eventually have a linkable URL. Currently they are not displayed but will be very soon.
  • Updated a large number of racial skill bonuses
  • Updated a fair number of default feat lists.
**News & Features**(updated 5/10/2010)
  • Added Gelatinous Golem
  • Fixed a bug where default feats weren't always applying properly.
**News & Features**(updated 5/7/2010)
  • Added Lizardfolk
  • Added Dire Template and Flame-spawned Template
  • Fixed bug in attack sequence of Ghaele
  • Implemented proper handling of racial skill bonuses. (I have not yet gone back and updated all racial skill bonuses.)
**News & Features**(updated 4/22/2010)
  • We are officially out of Beta with the successful release of the majority of the creatures from the 3rd Core Rule book. For those of you who didn't even know the application was still considered beta...that's okay you simply failed your search check. The version number is hidden on the feature list page.
  • Removed duplicate Hydras that had no CR.
  • Added Hezrou's special abilities and fixed bug in damage that was causing these demons to not generate.
  • Fixed CR calculation for NPC classes. (Always treated as non-associated which means they only add 1/2 CR until there are as many NPC levels as original racial hit dice.)
  • Fixed CR calculation for Kobolds with NPC classes. Kobolds are special after all.
**News & Features**(updated 4/4/2010)
  • Added NPC Classes - Expert, Commoner, Aristocrat, Adept and Warrior
  • Added 404 Creatures!
  • Now before anyone gets too excited there are a couple things worth noting.
  • 1. Not all creatures have had their spell-like abilities properly set up. This means they will probably be listed under a blanket "Spell-like abilities" entry which will list them but won't properly calculate saving throws and such. I plan on getting these fixed in the next couple days but wanted to get out the work I had already completed.
  • 2. These were done by going through another database that wasn't quite setup the way I needed it...so I did a lot of work to get these ported over which means there may be a few more errors than I usually release. If you find one of these errors just send me an email with the creature's name and I will get it fixed right away.
  • 3. There may be a couple duplicate creatures that ended up with a naming convention different from a creature I already entered myself. If you see some of these and they bother you just send me an email and I will clean them up. Things like the Abyssal Greater Basilisk I left in because the way they upgraded it there is no official duplicate, although it is not truly unique.
  • With all that said here are a few highlights:
  • All Standard True Dragons-Brass, Bronze, Black, Blue, Green, Gold, Silver, White, Copper, Red
  • Destrachan, Devourer, Couatl, Digester, A bunch of Dire Creatures, Djinni, Dragon Turtle, Dragonne, Dryad...like I said there are 404...go look for yourself.
  • Fixed a problem where the main Advancer would only let you submit once when using Chrome.
**News & Features**(updated 2/5/2010)
  • Added Lich Template and Celestial Template.
  • Added New Creature: The Soul Reaper from Tome of Horrors III.
  • The Random Encounter Generator now can generate ranges of randomly leveled creatures. Set any range between 1 and 30.
  • The Random Encounter Generator will now generate groups of up to CR 30.
  • The Quickened Generator now automatically applies the elite stat array (15,14,13,12,10,8) to creatures that take at least one class level.
  • The Main Monster Advancer will also automatically use the elite array if you add class levels. Any stat changes you make on the front screen are figured in as extra racial bonuses.
**News & Features**(updated 12/15/2009)
  • Added New Creatures For Mounts:Horses, Warhorses, pony, Griffon, Hippogriff, Riding Dog, Donkey, Rhino
  • The Quickened Generator now allows single template entry.
  • Added a print preview link to help highlight that the output is always print friendly as well as help those poor Chrome users who don't have print preview yet.
**News & Features**(updated 8/14/2009)
  • Added New Creatures:Air elementals, Tarrasque, Hellfire Bloodshark (from Tome of Horrors III), Monstrous Centipede, Shrieker Fungus, and Kobold.
  • New template - Thorny (A nice template to make animals that are made out of plants/thorns.)
  • New template - Landwalker (Great for any aquatic creature you wish wasn't aquatic...ever been attacked by a dire shark in the forest?)
  • Continued to enter default class skills for all creatures already in the advancer.
  • While it is a little ways off we have slated to include **Pathfinder** options that will adjuster skill and feats lists and such to enforce the new Pathfinder SRD.
Monster Advancer™ is an unregistered trademark established in 2009. Please visit the license information page for additional notices.